
Make Time to Read More & Make More Money!

Reading is scientifically proven to make you smarter. For entrepreneurs, reading books about starting a business, about their particular industry, and about leadership are easy ways to obtain new knowledge in these areas that will make them better entrepreneurs. People who read regularly read better, gain useful knowledge, expand their vocabulary, get smarter, develop better brains, and develop more empathy.…
Dan Evans
January 4, 2019

Celebrating #NationalWriteABusinessPlanMonth!

Celebrating #NationalWriteABusinessPlanMonth! November was National Write a Novel Month, and while many small business owners could write several books on their experiences, strategies and advice, we’d like to suggest channeling your writing energies into a great business plan. And NOW is the perfect time to get writing! December is National Write a Business Plan Month. We know it can seem…
Dan Evans
December 18, 2018
Employee SuccessHiring SuccessLeadershipUncategorized

Three Ways to Create a Flexible Work Environment to Recruit and Retain the Best Workforce

The holiday season is upon us, and people are starting to focus on the things that really matter in life - friends and family. For many, this is a season of change, renewal, reinvigorated motivations, and a sense of direction. Many people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions and evaluate their current state of life in a little more detail.…
Dan Evans
December 12, 2018

From Boomers to Zoomers – 3 Reasons Why Gen Z Will Grow Your Business

If you run a tech company, you likely employ Millennials and are familiar with the generational stereotypes that go along with that label. In 2013, Time Magazine ran a cover story titled “Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation,” which cited research and numerous studies that attempt to explain the behaviors of this unique generation. As Millenials have entered the workforce,…
Dan Evans
December 12, 2018

Scaling Your Business Without Breaking the Bank

Whether you are looking to hire your first employee or your 100th, if you are ramping up and needing to hire a quality workforce, here are five strategies to successful hiring: 1 - Get Clear On What You Need Taking the time to clearly define what your actual talent needs are will save you future money and time by avoiding…
Dan Evans
December 12, 2018